During pre-surgery consult I try to explain as much as possible about the procedure itself, postoperative hospital stay and complications. I hope the more educated and prepared the parents the easier it goes. From the other hand I feel that is is difficult for the parents to remember all important information at once – tht’s why I write this. Maybe I try to convey too much, and maybe it is too much for typical patient’s parents. I hope everyone will find useful information for himself.
Hypospadias is one the most common congenital urogenital malformations in boys, affecting every 1 in 200. In most cases there the urethra is too short for a few mm and the skin is cleft and located on the back of the penis. The reason for surgical correction is generally cosmetic in this group, but some of this boys cannot urinate in standing position which makes them “the different” in early stages of social life. Most urologists agree that the above factors are enough reason for surgery. In more advanced forms of hypospadias (proximal, peno-scrotal and scrotal) we usually find penile curvature. If left uncorrected this would make the penis visible obvioulsy abnormal, would exclude urinating in standing position and normal coitus. There is no doubt these forms should be corrected and the surgery is at least two stage. Even more – the more advanced the hypospadias, the greater the probability od disorder of sexual differentiation, which requires more sophisticated examinations. Real penile curvature should not be mistaken with glans cleft, “noding glans”, which usually is easly corrected in one stage surgery.
Hypospadias surgery and following days with indwellinga catheter and neccessary dressing changes are always a great stress for the patient and his parents. We can’t gurantee complete surgical success in one stage, but we should do our best to